Summer Internship
We are in the process of creating a Summer Internship at our studio. It will likely be more on the multimedia side, probably audio/video editing. We are gradually growing, and I need some help on the administrative side of things. But I don't want this to just be your average, run o' the mill, boring internship, where the student is basicaly just a gopher. We really want this to be an educational and vocational enrichment for the intern.
I also don't believe in working for free. In fact, the whole idea of an "unpaid" internship is archane, exploitative and a bit disrespectful, in my opinion. "A worker is worthy of his wage," says the Good Book. And the Golden Rule means that I wouldn't want to work for free, so why would I expect someone else to?
You can help us make this a appealing internship, and it won't cost you a thing. If you know of anyone who needs video work or audio editing done, please let us know at It would be a win-win for both the client and the intern. The client would get a professional product for a fraction of the cost, and the intern would gain valuable industry experience.
#multimedia #summer internships #central NJ
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